Sand Saga Insider: June 2024
Welcome back to Sand Saga's monthly update! As expected, the start of the summer holidays in the US a few weeks ago has led to a noticeable decrease in player activity. It is undeniable that the game is mostly played in classrooms. Let's dive into what's new.
June Additions
Update 24w23a
• Game: Introduced Acid
• Game: Fluid and gas shaders
Update 24w25a
• Game: Minor improvements related to liquids and their interactions
• Game: Birds can burn now
• Scenarios: New scenario Sand Painting
• Scenarios: Renamed Sandbox: Sandscape => Sandscape (it isn't a true sandbox)
* Minor bug fixes and tweaks are not listed
I didn't have much time this month as I was traveling abroad and then fell ill, but despite that, the game has received substantial improvements. The new fluid and gas shaders were not planned, but they make a significant difference, especially on large surfaces.
Further Development
Unfortunately, I don't have anything specific planned at the moment, but I will strive to add something interesting.
That's all for today. Stay tuned for more updates!
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