Apps preview
Falling-sand game in JavaScript

The Sand Saga is a unique falling-sand game, built on the Sand Game JS engine.

Sand Game JS preview
Sand Game JS
Falling-sand game engine in JavaScript

Sand Game JS is a fast, free and open-source falling-sand game engine for desktop & mobile browsers. It allows players to experiment with various elements, such as sand, soil, water and fire. With grass and trees growing on soil, and other natural processes, Sand Game JS offers a unique experience.

Open GitHub
Sand Game 2 preview
Sand Game 2
Falling-sand game in JavaFX

Sand Game 2 is a falling sand game that presents an empty canvas and a wide range of various elements. The player can create landscapes out of dirt, sand and water, then plant grass and watch it grow. Or build metal structures and then melt them with thermite, or perhaps set fire to an oil pond. Or mix water and salt to make brine – that can be distilled back to pure salt. And many other possibilities.

Info Download GitHub
Turtle Graphics preview
Turtle Graphics
JavaScript web application

Turtle graphics is a popular way for introducing programming to non-programmers. Turtle JS is a simple turtle graphics implementation in JavaScript that works in a browser.

Open GitHub
JavaScript web application

A simple web application for personal financial analysis. It is intended to be used with a data from internet banking (an exported bank statements) or with a manually created ones (a list of cash expenses).

Open GitHub
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  • Výběr čísla bankovního účtu na přání


    O tom jak jsem si u Fio banky zařídil druhý bankovní účet v EUR s číslem na přání. Chtěl jsem číslo co nejvíc podobné číslu mého prvnímu účtu, abych si ho snadno zapomatoval. Nakonec to bylo složitější než jsem čekal, musel jsem si pomoci programem v JavaScriptu.

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About me

Java developer
